Autobiographical Poem


I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become. — Carl Jung


Active, curios, caring, and passionate educator.

Human, Muslim, activist.

Cares about humanity and justice.

Feels peaceful in nature and journaling with a cup of tea or coffee.

Needs books, notebook, pens, and solitude in a quite space to meditate/pray.

Gives invaluable attention, education or recommendation to whoever seeks for.

Hugs anyone who needs one.

Fears heights and injustice/losing control.

Would like to see many iconic sites such as Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, Taj Mahal, and other historical sites around the world.

Wishes that everyone should be treated with equity and dignity.

Lives in the Great Sierra Mountains of Nevada.




Fathiya Barkadle, M.Ed.

High School English Teacher/ELD Instructional Lead & Freelance-Writer Blogger.